Stitch and Dress the Beautiful Hedgerow Dolls by Simone Gooding

Stitch and Dress the Beautiful Hedgerow Dolls – a delightful collection of dolls made from felt, complete with felt, linen, and knitted accessories.

Down the lane and across the field live The Hedgerow Dolls. This enchanting book contains a delightful collection of dolls made from 100% wool hand dyed felt, complete with felt, linen, and knitted accessories.

You will find…

  • Linen Dungarees with felt Rabbit Applique Pockets.
  • Knitted Beret with Swiss Darning Embroidery.
  • Adorable Wooden Peg Doll with felt Hooded Cape.
  • Fox Satchel for collecting Acorns.

These designs are suitable for all toy makers or budding and contain step by step instructions and diagrams for machine sewing, hand stitching, and knitting the components of each project. The Hedgerow Dolls are brought to life on the page by Simone Gooding’s adorable illustrations.


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